03 Oct 2020
New Aquarium Foods From NT Labs
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Nutrition | Aquatics | Tropical Aquariums | Fish | Marine Aquariums | NT Labs
NT Labs Pro-f offers a selection of probiotic and prebiotic high-specification foods for aquarium fish. All of the foods in the range have been made using the highest quality ingredients along with the latest nutritional technology.

From perfectly manicured aquascaped aquaria with ornamental shrimp and nano fish species, through to competition grade discus, all the fish you love to keep are catered for.

Pro-f Probiotic Tropical fish food is a premium feed for freshwater tropical fish. Containing probiotic bacteria, this granular fish feed ensures your fish absorb more of the nutrients, resulting in less waste and improved water quality. Stimmune supports a fish’s immune system, keeping them healthy and primed to fight off disease. Packed with natural colour-enhancing and highly nutritious spirulina to emphasise the colours of your fish, and with easily digestible krill and squid meal. Probiotic Tropical is highly palatable and beneficial to a wide variety of species. Probiotic Tropical fish food granules break the surface of the water at different rates, allowing fish to feed at their preferred position in the water column.

Probiotic Tropical is now joined by an additional seven foods including Shrimp Enhancer, Catfish Pellet, Cichlid Green 33, Cichlid Red 48, Discus Granule and Fancy Goldfish. All the foods have been carefully considered so that they are perfect for each group of fish.

Many of the African Rift Valley cichlids, such as those from Lake Malawi require a low protein diet to maintain a healthy digestive system. Pro-f Cichlid Green 33 Granule fish feed contains the best ingredients that more closely replicate a wild, low-protein diet without compromising on nutrition. The granule size is ideal for juvenile and other small cichlids, while the ingredients ensure maximum palatability. Cichlid Green 33 Granule also contains the natural colour-promoting marine phytoplankton spirulina to bring out the best of their natural colours. The addition of multi-vitamin mix and Stimmune ensures a complete diet with all the vitamins your fish need as well as supporting their immunity to help them stay healthy.

Pro-f Shrimp Enhancer is a feed formulated specifically for Shrimp. This highly nutritious blend of animal and plant proteins assists exoskeleton and moulting. The unique physiology of shrimp among aquarium inhabitants requires a specialised diet. In conjunction with their staple diet of aquarium algae, Shrimp Enhancer provides supplementary nutrition for their specific requirements. The blend of animal and plant proteins provides the wide amino acid profile essential for the production of their exoskeletons. Stabilised vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and multi-vitamin mix assist in the moulting process and promote good health for reproduction. The small granules of Shrimp Enhancer fish food allow shrimp to feed without expending energy on food competition. Shrimp Enhancer is highly digestible thereby producing less waste and improved water quality.

Pro-f Micro Crumb is suitable for the smallest of fish with tiny mouths such as Microrasboras, Endler guppies & tetra species and is ideal for the fry of both egg-layers and live-bearers. Micro Crumb fish food has been formulated to provide the exact, rich, high energy nutrition required by rapidly growing juvenile fish. Having the best balanced diet from the start ensures healthy development and with the inclusion of "Stimmune" will help provide your fish with strong disease resistance ensuring a high survival rate in baby fish.

Pro-f Reef Snow is a micro-particle invertebrate food which has been developed to provide a water-borne nutrient source to filter feeding coral, clams and tube worms. Produced using a variety of different natural ingredients including marine sourced proteins and essential amino acids to ensure optimum growth. Pro-f Reef Snow formulation promotes a vigorous feeding response from fish and corals alike. The 200 micrometre (0.2mm) particle size ensures easy capture and assimilation by a variety of SPS and LPS filter feeding corals.

Pro-f Ocean Food 55 is a fish feed scientifically-formulated for aquarium marine fish species. Ocean Food 55 encourages a healthy metabolism, colour enhancement and maximises digestion by containing the highest quality ingredients and its optimal feed size. This slow-sinking, granular fish food is suitable for a variety of species throughout the water column. Ocean Food 55 provides the best biological nutrition and minimises waste pollution in your marine system.

Tags : Aquatic Aquarium Freshwater & Marine Fish Food South Africa
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