06 Jun 2014
Rabbits Love Company
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Rabbits
If you are a rabbit owner or are considering adopting a rabbit as a pet then there is something you need to know about these adorable creatures; they LOVE company!

Rabbits are naturally sociable animals and in the wild they co-exist happily with other rabbits. If they are kept in solitary confinement as pets they can become extremely lonely and this can have a negative impact on their emotional health and well being. If your rabbit growls at you when you go near him or if he kicks aggressively at you then it could be loneliness that it causing this behaviour.

With this in mind always seek to adopt rabbits in pairs at the very least and the best combination is a neutered male and a neutered female. It is worth noting that neutered males will often fight, which is why a mixed pairing more than likely will work best.

Neutering is important – without this you WILL get pregnancy and new rabbits and there are way too many rabbit rescues throughout South Africa struggling to cope with rabbits born as a result of their owners mixing un-neutered mixed-sex pairs without thinking of the consequences. You should therefore speak to your vet as early as possible about neutering.

When you introduce unfamiliar rabbits to one another make sure you do it slowly. The bonding process can take time and it should be done under your close supervision. The rabbits may need to sleep in separate hutches to begin with until they are comfortable enough in each other’s company.

Socialisation with the Owner

When you bring your rabbits home you should start to socialise with them straight away. It is important for the rabbits to have the time to get to know you in order for them to gain confidence in your company. Try sitting still on the floor and letting them investigate you with their noses. Feed them quality rabbit food or snacks from your hand and avoid sudden movements. Don’t allow young children to try and grab them. Never pick your rabbits up by their ears and never approach from above, as this mimics how a predator would pray on the animal.

Tags : Rabbits Love Company , taking care of pet rabbits in South Africa , Pet Rabbits South Africa
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