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Ready Balling CA 1 is a product ready to be used following the Balling method. This product has a reintegration capacity equivalent to 2 kg of calcium chloride. The raw material used for the preparation has a pharmaceutical grade purity.They have been developed to be used in a simple way with dosing pumps and without having to weigh and dissolve components. Made in Italy.
Price : R315.00R280.00
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R35.00 (11.11% off)
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Oceanlife Ready Balling CA 1 is a product ready to be used following the Balling method. This product has a reintegration capacity equivalent to 2 kg of calcium chloride. The raw material used for the preparation has a pharmaceutical grade purity. Made in Italy.
There are five Oceanlife Ready Balling products which are extremely simple to use and cost effective. This system is based on replenishing calcium, carbonates and many other elements with the use of liquid solutions instead of a calcium reactor.
This system is much simpler compared to the calcium reactor regarding the settings and allows to keep ionic equilibrium between calcium and carbonates by simply adjusting the dosage of the two main products. The online calculation software on Oceanlife website helps you to fine tune the dosage and makes this system one of the simplest and reliable solution to replenish all elements using dosing pumps.
We recommend the Kamoer X4 PLUS WiFi controllable dosing pump. It comes equipped with powerful rust-proof pump heads with longer lifetime and improved accuracy. The Kamoer X4 Plus offers flexible and precise control (0.1 - 9,999.9ml) of Oceanlife Ready Balling liquids to your aquarium with four channels each with different colours to differentiate dosing liquid. The easy to use mobile interface make setup a breeze.
How To Use Oceanlife Ready Balling Liquids
The Ready Balling system has been designed to replace the calcium reactor (Ready Balling Ca 1 and Ready Balling KH 2) and to obtain a complete reintegration of all the useful elements for the growth of a healthy reef (Ready Balling MG 3, Special&Color Elements, Macro&Grow Elements).
This special system is suitable for users of all levels, from beginner to expert, depending on the mode of use. The system is universal and can be applied to all management systems, bare bottom, probiotic (bacterial reproduction), DBS, with or without refugium, etc.
The complete system allows to replenish all the following elements: Calcium, Carbonates, Magnesium, Potassium, Boron, Strontium, Sulfur, Iodine, Fluorine, Lithium, Zinc, Molybdenum, Manganese, Bromine.
Thanks to the high purity liquid formulation, the Oceanlife Ready Balling system is easier to use, allows a better ion balance and has a greater buffer capacity than the traditional system.
Depending on the mode of use and the products used, the system is addressed to users with different levels of experience:

Useful information for all levels of use:
- It is possible to dilute the products but the dosages must be corrected accordingly.
- Do not mix the products together unless otherwise specified in the instructions.
- Keep the products at a temperature above 15 ° C, in particular KH 2. Lower temperatures can cause precipitation which can be solved by bringing the product to a higher temperature.
Description of Products:
CA 1: Calcium
KH 2: Carbonates
MG 3: Magnesium
S&C: Micro elements and trace elements useful for colouring
M&G: Macro elements useful for growth

All products are manufactured in Italy using raw materials with pharmaceutical grade purity.
Mode of use: Simple
The simple use method involves the use of only the two CA 1 and KH 2 products. The use of MG 3, S&C and M&G is optional. The system is mainly used to replace the calcium reactor. The dosage can be done either by hand or using dosing pumps.
The simplified dosage involves starting with standard dosages and then measuring calcium and carbonates. If the values are stable, the dosages do not need to be changed. If the values are lowered, the dose should be increased. On the contrary, if they rise, the dose must be reduced. Measure Ca and KH and write down the values.
CA 1: 1 ml per 100 liters
KH 2: 2 ml per 100 liters
After a few days, measure again Ca and KH. Increase or decrease the dose depending on the result obtained. Measure Ca and KH at regular intervals and adjust the dose until the parameters remain stable. The consumption of Ca and KH may vary according to population and period, it is advisable to keep the Ca and KH values also monitored later.
MG 3: Dosage a quarter (1/4) the amount of CA 1
S&C and M&G: use according to instructions, 25ml for every 5 litres of product.
Water Changes:
We recommend measuring salinity from time to time (at least a couple of times per month). It's generally a good practice and, moreover, using the Balling system it's normal to observe a slight increase in salinity. If you find a salinity higher than normal, remove a little of salt water and replace it with osmosis water to restore the right salinity. Perform regular water changes as usual.
Mode of use: Intermediate
The intermediate method requires the use of only the two CA 1 and KH 2 products. The use of MG 3, S&C and M&G is optional. The system is mainly used to replace the calcium reactor. The dosage can be done either by hand or using dosing pumps.
The intermediate dosage foresees the use of the software on the Oceanlife website to determine precisely the quantity of the products. The program calculates both the quantity in ml of product and the total time of the dosing pump, if the flow rate of the pump has been inserted. If the dosage exceeds 5 ml per 100 liters, we suggest to split the dosage in several times throughout the day, up to a maximum of 5 ml per 100 liters per dosage.
Step 1 (first dosage):
Measure Ca and KH and write down the values. Do not dose anything for a few days remembering the number of passed days. If the tank has a high consumption of Ca and KH, we recommend waiting a maximum of 2 or 3 days. Perform the Ca and KH tests again. Enter the values in the appropriate spaces within the calculation program (zero in current dosage) and click on the “calculate” button. The program on Oceanlife website will determine the quantity of products to be used to maintain the values at the desired level and the quantity of specific products to restore the initial Ca and KH values.
Optional: Perform the same procedure for magnesium and calculate the MG 3 with the help of the software. S&C and M&G can be used according to instructions, 25ml every 5 litres of product.
Step 2 (possible dose adjustments):
Keep a record of the previous values of Ca and KH. After some time, measure the Ca and KH values again. If these differ from the previous ones, insert again all the values in the appropriate spaces in the software, together with the current dosage of the products. By clicking on “calculate”, the program will calculate the new dosage to be replaced to the previous one.
Water Changes:
We recommend measuring salinity from time to time (at least a couple of times per month). It's generally a good practice and, moreover, using the Balling system it's normal to observe a slight increase in salinity. If you find a salinity higher than normal, remove a little of salt water and replace it with osmosis water to restore the right salinity. Perform regular water changes as usual.
Mode of use: Expert
The expert method requires the use of CA 1, KH 2, MG 3, S&C and M&G products. It is a complete replenishment system for all the useful elements. It is advisable to dose the products using dosing pumps.
The expert dosage foresees the use of the software on the Oceanlife website to determine precisely the quantity of the products. The program calculates both the quantity in ml of product and the total time of the dosing pump, if the flow rate of the pump has been inserted. If the dosage exceeds 5 ml per 100 liters, we suggest to split the dosage in several times throughout the day, up to a maximum of 5 ml per 100 liters per dosage.
Step 1 (first dosage):
Measure Ca, KH and Mg and write down the values. Do not dose anything for a few days remembering the number of passed days. If the tank has a high consumption of Ca and KH, we recommend waiting a maximum of 2 or 3 days. Perform the Ca, KH and Mg tests again. Enter the values in the appropriate spaces within the calculation program (zero in current dosage) and click on the “calculate” button. The system will determine the quantity of products to be used to maintain the values at the desired level and the quantity of specific products to restore the initial Ca, KH and Mg values. S&C and M&G can be used according to instructions , 25ml every 5 litres of product.
Step 2 (possible dose adjustments):
Keep a record of the previous values of Ca, KH and Mg. After some time, measure the Ca, KH and Mg values again. If these differ from the previous ones, insert again all the values in the appropriate spaces in the software, together with the current dosage of the products. By clicking on “calculate”, the program will calculate the new dosage to be replaced to the previous one.
Water Changes:
We recommend measuring salinity from time to time (at least a couple of times per month). It's generally a good practice and, moreover, using the Balling system it's normal to observe a slight increase in salinity. If you find a salinity higher than normal, remove a little of salt water and replace it with osmosis water to restore the right salinity. Perform regular water changes as usual.
Mode of use: Super Expert
The expert method requires the use of CA 1, KH 2, MG 3, S&C and M&G products. It is a complete replenishment system for all the useful elements. It is advisable to dose the products using dosing pumps.
The super expert dosage is formally the same as the expert dosage but in addition it involves the measurement at regular intervals of the parameters through an ICP measuring system that allows to evaluate the concentration of all the individual elements that make up the water. Once the analysis have been obtained, enter the values within the Balance program on Oceanlife website which will provide instructions to rebalance the system, if necessary, in each of its parameters.
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