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Hay produced in South Africa are traditionally sun-dried whilst leading hay manufacturers such as Newhay and Bunny Nature are using the latest developments in technology to produce high quality feeding hay.
Newhay timothy hay has .. [More]
Bunny Nature is a family owned business in Germany that is founded with love for animals. Their goal, which they continue to pursue to this day, is to produce optimal and healthy food for small animals, which is perfectly tailored to their ori.. [More]
Vets report that four out of five rabbits or guinea pigs that come into their practice have a health problem that is directly related to poor diet. Common ailments are constipation, overgrown teeth, obesity and other problems related to these .. [More]
Bunny Nature Rabbit NatureShuttle
Bunny Nature Shuttle helps the animals to return to a naturally-healthy and species-appropriate nutrition. Complete food for Dwarf Rabbits from the age of 6 months. This food helps your bunny switch from unhealthy muesli diets to healthy pellet diets. Enter
Into the world of healthy feeding. After having finished this package change to RabbitDream Vitality. Size: 600g
Price : R225.00R199.00
Discount :
R26.00 (11.56% off)
Usually Leaves Warehouse the Next Business Day. Allow 3-4 Business Days for Delivery.
Product Description
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Unknowingly many rabbits are hardly fed species-appropriate food. Often most rabbit diets available are far too sugary. Bunny Nature Shuttle helps your rabbits return to a naturally-healthy and species-appropriate nutrition.
On the way to happiness…
Unfortunately the dishes of animals, that are not fed much species-appropriate food, are mainly being filled with "Fast food", too many calories and too much sugar content. This food hardly contains any components that correspond to the animals‘ nutritional needs. In plain language this means: The food was not nutritionally appropriate.
On the contrary, it is not always easy for rabbits to switch immediately from calorie-rich food to a species-appropriate diet. They have gotten used to the sugar and need to be weaned off of it.
Nature Shuttle helps rabbits through this small intermediate feeding step.
It is very easy: Feed Nature Shuttle (600 g) and then switch to a Dream product. Because of the adapted composition of Nature Shuttle, this intermediate step makes the switch to optimum nutrition easier for animals.
Growth of permanent meadows (timothy, meadow fescue, meadow foxtail, german ryegrass, red fescue, blue grass, cocksfoot, velvet grass, annual panicle grass, white ragweed, vernal grass, couch grass, tussock grass, reed canary grass, white clover, red clover, dandelion leaves, yarrow herb, ribwort, caraway, cow parsley, meadow sweet, common hornwort, bedstraw, thyme-leaved speedwell, bush vetch, comfrey, bedstraw-meadow thistle, ground ivy, daisies, germander speedwell, lady's mantle, greater burnet-saxifrage, narrow-leaved vetch, meadow saxifrage, spring cinquefoil, green field-speedwell, common whitlow-grass, autumn dandelion, red ragweed, cowslip, small clover), barley, wheat bran, oat peel bran, sunflower seed extracted, carrot pomace, linseed extracted, carrots, parsnips, lignocellulose, chicory root, peppermint leaves, currant leaves, marigold blossoms, calcium carbonate, brewer's grain, carob, brewer's yeast, camomile blossoms, inulin
Nutritional Additives per kg:
Vitamin A 10.000 IE ∙ Vitamin D3 700 IE ∙ Vitamin E / all rac-alpha-tocopherylacetate 60 mg ∙ copper as copper (II)-sulphate, pentahydrate 6 mg ∙ iodine as calcium iodate, hexahydrate 0,9 mg ∙ iron as iron (II)-sulphate, monohydrat 50 mg ∙ zinc as zinc oxide 60 mg ∙ manganese as manganese (II)-oxide 40 mg ∙ selenite as sodium selenite 0,18 mg
Analytical constituents:
crude protein 12,7 % · crude oils and crude fats 2,1 % · crude fibre 18 % · crude ash 8,5 % · calcium 0,6 % · phosphorous 0,4 % · sodium 0,18 %
Feeding guide:
Fill the feeding bowl with bunny Nature Shuttle and wait until all the food has been eaten, before refilling it again. Provide high quality feeding hay and fresh, lukewarm water daily. After having finished this package change to RabbitDream Vitality or any of RabbitDream Special Edition flavours.
Trimello® – Healthy Nutrition For Rabbits
- Most gentle processing of all sensitive plants.
- Combines all nutrients, vitamins and trace elements.
- Prevents selective feed intake - all necessary nutrients, vitamins and trace elements are always(!) absorbed.
- Stress-free and carefree feeding for the owner - the rabbits are optimally fed.
- Best care of the animals, they live healthier, become less sensitive, they are healthy until old age.
- Rough fibre structure ensures healthy teeth, healthy digestion. No fast food - only healthy and species-appropriate ingredients for a contented rabbit life.
- Very good acceptance due to the variety of plants and healthy ingredients
- Balanced recipes, so that a dosage of the daily portions is not necessary. It can be fed freely in combination with hay. The rabbit decides - as in nature itself - what it needs and how much. This is important for a healthy rabbit life.
- Trimellos balance the vitamin imbalances if a lot of hay is fed Trimellos feature optimal particle size and fiber structure, promoting dental health and efficient digestion.
- Long chewing time to wear down teeth and keep them healthy.
- Due to the long chewing time, the food is salivated and predigested to suit the stomach. This eliminates stomach overload and ensures healthy digestion overall.
- Can be fed ad lib - i.e. at the rabbits own disposal. No dosage necessary. The rabbits only consume the amount that is needed.
It is important to follow the simple 5- step feeding guideline below to help you understand the high levels of beneficial fibre required by rabbits.
1. High Quality Feeding Hay
High-quality, feeding hay should make up 85-90% of your rabbit's diet. You should make sure it is freely available and replaced with fresh hay every day. Bunny Nature timothy and meadow hay from Germany provides the highest quality by offering a wide variety of plants such as timothy grass, meadow fescue, meadow foxtail, ryegrass, red fescue, bluegrass, bentgrass, cocksfoot, creeping red fescue, german ryegrass, dandelion, silverweed, chickweed, yarrow, ribwort, white clover, red clover, birdsfood trefoil. This hay provides maximum taste and nutrients to rabbits through its diversity of plants. It is rich in fibres, crunchy & dust-free. Newhay is an award-winning timothy hay from U.K. that is baled within 48 hours of cutting to maintain the nutrition nature intended, and processed to reduce harmful dust and bacteria to ensure premium quality in every bite.

2. Bunny Nature Trimellos®
The patented Trimello® shaped pellets from Bunny Nature should be fed as a supplement to feeding hay or grass to ensure your rabbits get all the vitamins and minerals they need. These Trimellos® are made with 63 different plants from natural meadows, just as nature intended. This food does not contain any added preservatives, flavour enhancers, added sugar, colouring or flavouring.

3. Bunny Nature Botanicals, Enjoy Nature Snacks & Crunchy Crackers
These delicious, natural and healthy snacks can be fed in small amounts either by hand to help bonding, left in housing to keep your rabbits occupied or sprinkled through feeding hay to encourage foraging.

4. Fresh Leafy Greens
Rabbits can be fed fresh leafy greens everyday as a treat to add variety and provide additional nutrition such as fresh grass (not lawn clippings), dandelion leaves, plantain, herb robert, rose bush leaves, nasturtium, wild geranium, strawberry and raspberry leaves, hazel tree leaves & branches, willow tree leaves & branches, apple tree leaves & branches, Hawthorn, brambles, goosegrass, blackthorn, nettle (dried), cauliflower leaves, celery leaves, green pepper, kale, mint, romaine lettuce (not iceberg lettuce), spring greens.
The following should be fed only occassionally in small amounts: Apple (pipless), banana, savoy cabbage, turnip, carrot tops, swede, spinach, parsley, basil, dill, oregano, coriander.

5. Fresh Lukewarm Water
A plentiful supply of fresh lukewarm water should be supplied daily.

Bunny Nature, a dedicated brand for small mammals!
Bunny Nature is a family owned business in Germany that is founded with love for animals. Their goal, which they continue to pursue to this day, is to produce optimal and healthy food for small mammals, which is perfectly tailored to the animals' original living environment and needs.
This company works closely with leading veterinarians specialized in rodents and integrates scientific research into the production of rodent food and accessories. Bunny Nature was one of the first manufacturers to develop a low-sugar diet for small rodents, which minimizes the risk of diabetes.
The CEO of Bunny Nature says: "When developing and producing animal-friendly food, we always put the animals first. We look at where they come from, what they eat there, what their social behavior and eating behavior look like. It is not only important to provide that information and understand their nutritional needs, but it is also essential to apply this knowledge consistently when choosing the right food. That makes all the difference."
The Bunny Nature Lucky Formula!
Happiness starts with the right, balanced diet. That is the starting point. Rodents that receive appropriate food are happy and healthy. And rodents that don't have to worry about their next meal are extremely happy and healthy. This brings us to the Bunny Nature happiness formula.
Bunny Nature's recipes are always based on the welfare needs of the rodents. Bunny Nature understands that for nutritional reasons it is necessary to make food available to the animals ad libitum (unlimited), so that they can meet their needs every time without overeating or becoming overweight. With their unique recipes, Bunny Nature offers optimally balanced food, made from high-quality ingredients and with extremely controlled production to meet the nutritional needs of your rodent, as nature teaches us. All this is done without the use of preservatives, flavour enhancers, added sugars, colourings and aromas.
At Bunny Nature, the welfare of the animals comes first, and they strive to offer your rodent a happy and healthy life through high-quality nutrition and carefully formulated products.
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Post By
Sarah Goodman
Thursday, 13 June, 2024 11:17 PM
Have wanted to try BunnyNature pellets for a long time so was very excited to finally be able to get them and they did not disappoint! The rabbits took to them right away and they are now their favorite pellets!