18 OCT 2020
What Is the Best Diet For Parrots In South Africa?
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Nutrition | Birds | Roudybush | Bird Food | TOPs Parrot Food
There is a lack of scientific study on avian nutrition, especially as it relates to different bird species, but most experts agree that a good diet for parrots begin with a formulated pellet diet with a variety of other foods added as supplements. A diet based primarily on seeds is deficient in many nutrients, including vitamin A and calcium, and is too high in fat.    This is not to say that seed do not have a place in avian diets, but many birds come to prefer them to the exclusion of other healthy choices and can be fussy when it comes to trying a varied diet. Some birds will even pick out a couple of favorites from a seed mix, which further reduces the nutritional balance in the diet. When it comes to parrot nutrition, consider seeds to be somewhat like junk food: birds love them, but they are not the healthiest choice. For most species of parrot, seeds should only make up about 10 percent of the diet. Some species, like budgies and cockatiels are naturally .. [More] budgieseatsseeds.jpg
Tags : Best Diet For Parrots In South Africa , Bird Food South Africa , Parrot Food South Africa , Best Bird Pellet Seed Food Diet South Africa Comment 0 Comments
21 DEC 2019
How To Prepare A Healthy Diet For Parrots
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Nutrition | Birds | Roudybush | Bird Food | Parrots | Budgies | Cockatiels | Lories and Lorikeets | African Grey | Lovebirds | TOPs Parrot Food
The current recommendation by avian veterinarians is that pellets should make up 50-70 percent of a parrot’s diet. The best pellets to feed your parrots are those that do not contain sugar or dyes, since these ingredients may have a cumulative effect in the body and can cause diseases over the long term, possibly even shortening birds’ life span. The best bird pellet brands considered worldwide are Harrison’s, Roudybush and TOPs (Totally Organic Pellets).   All of the Roudybush diets are formulated by avian nutritionist Tom Roudybush, M.S. In his 16 years of nutritional research at the university of California in USA, Tom Roudybush has become a leader in the avian nutrition field. Roudybush Daily Maintenance bird pellets is made with a unique steam pelleting process which retains nutrients and is scientifically formulated for the care of healthy adult birds. All natural, high-quality ingredients work together to build a diet specifically formulated with the.. [More] PARROTFEEDING.jpg
Tags : How To Prepare A Healthy Diet For Parrots South Africa , Parrot Food South Africa , Bird Pellet Food South Africa Comment 0 Comments
06 JAN 2018
Why You Should Never Feed Seeds To Pet Birds
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Nutrition | Birds | Roudybush | Bird Food | Parrots | Budgies | Cockatiels | Lories and Lorikeets | African Grey | Lovebirds
Veterinarians will tell you that the majority of diseases seen in pet parrots today all have the same underlying problem, a poor diet. An all-seed diet is highly likely to result in a myriad of health problems and shorten your bird’s lifespan significantly. Although many pet stores will try to convince you otherwise, a healthy, balanced diet for parrots is not providing a fresh bowl of seeds every morning. In fact, a diet consisting of only seeds is a pretty certain way to shorten your parrots’ life. Let’s look at why this is so, and what we can do to ensure our parrots live a long and healthy life!   ​Budgie enjoys healthy meal of broccoli, corn, peppers and Roudybush Crumbles Pet Parrots Aren’t Wild The first thing to know about parrots in the wild is that they are usually always flying vast distances in order to find food. Their diet usually consists of things such as plants, fruits, grains, flowers, insects and seed. These allow the parrots .. [More] budgielovesroudybushpellets.jpg
Tags : Why You Should Never Feed Seeds To Pet Birds , Pet Parrot Seed Diets , Parrot Food South Africa , Bird Food South Africa , Budgie Food South Africa , African Grey Food South Africa , Cockatiel Food South Af Comment 0 Comments
26 NOV 2017
How To Recognize & Prevent Nutritional Diseases in Parrots
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Nutrition | Birds | Roudybush | Bird Food | Pet Care | Parrots | Budgies | Cockatiels | Lories and Lorikeets | African Grey | Lovebirds
It is a sad fact that the majority of pet parrots are fed on nutritionally deficient diets. There are several factors that encourage this to happen but these are mainly due to the ignorance of many bird owners and also owners of pet-shops. The majority of pet psittaciforms are given a seed-based diet to eat.   Seeds fall into two categories: sunflower seed, peanuts and pine nuts are large seeds that contain a lot of oil. Small seeds such as safflower, hemp, millet and canary seed contain mainly carbohydrate. Seeds are high calorie, low in calcium with a poor Ca/P ratio, low in most vitamins, have either low protein content or a limiting essential amino acid, usually lysine or methionine. Seed based diets have little to recommend them nutritionally but they are easy to store and do not deteriorate visually. They are also universally attractive diet to many parrots. In many pet shops the seed quality is poor, is stored for an unspecified time and in unspecified circumstance.. [More] parrotexoticvet.jpg
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26 NOV 2017
Dangers Of Seed Diets For Pet Birds
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Nutrition | Birds | Roudybush | Bird Food | Budgies | Cockatiels | African Grey | Lovebirds
We live in a land of fast food, fatty snacks, and junk food junkies. French fries dripping with grease, hamburgers packed with calories – most of us are painfully aware that our diets are less than ideal. Could our pets also be suffering from a similar situation? If that pet is a bird and it's on an all-seed diet, the answer's an emphatic “Yes!” While nature lovers can safely supplement wild birds with feeders full of seed, too much seed for your pet bird can lead to serious problems.   Just ask Dr. Vanessa Rolfe, an avian veterinarian at Avian & Exotic Veterinary Services in Salem, USA. “Seventy to 80 percent of the problems I treat in birds are due directly or indirectly to inadequate diets – usually seed-based diets, '' Rolfe says. “Seeds are high in fat and deficient in many other nutrients, including amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. So an all-seed diet can be associated with a long list of medical problems.&rdq.. [More] macawandseeds.jpg
Tags : Dangers Of Feeding Seeds To Pet Parrots , Dangers Of Seed Diets To Pet Parrots , Parrot Food South Africa , Parrot Mix South Africa , Parrot Seed South Africa , Dangers Of Seed Diets For Pet Birds Comment 0 Comments
10 NOV 2017
Roudybush Diets Vs Regular Bird Pellets
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Nutrition | Birds | Roudybush | Bird Food | Parrots | Budgies | Cockatiels | Lories and Lorikeets | African Grey
Roudybush began manufacturing handfeeding formulas and pelletized diets for pet birds in 1985. High quality ingredients and steam pelleting are used to ensure that potentially harmful organisms are not present in the finished products. Samples of every batch of feed are retained at the mill for quality assurance and random samples are tested quarterly for any evidence of contamination. When you buy Roudybush products you can be assured that your birds are eating a high quality diet based on solid, sound nutritional information.   For decades the standard diet for most birds kept in captivity has been a mixture of seeds and nuts. This diet was based on the assumption that that is what these birds eat in their natural environments. Nutritional deficiencies seen in birds kept on seed diets have been better characterized and documented, making it clear that these diets are harmful; however, many people continue to feed seed and nut diets, with or without other nutriti.. [More] parrotseatingroudybushpellets.jpg
Tags : Roudybush Diets Vs Regular Bird Pellets , Bird Food South Africa , Bird Feed Seed South Africa , Bird Pellet Diets South Africa Comment 0 Comments
09 NOV 2017
Handfeeding Macaws
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Nutrition | Birds | Roudybush
Tom Roudybush, owner and nutritionist of Roudybush, Inc., began manufacturing pellets, crumbles, and handfeeding formulas in 1985 after doing 16 years of nutritional research at the University of California, Davis. Mr. Roudybush studied various bird species, including 10 years of research on the nutritional requirements of pet birds. There is a commonly held belief among aviculturists that macaws need a higher percent fat diet, especially during the handfeeding period. This is based on some handfeeders having a difficult time maintaining good growth rates and based on observations of what some species of macaws eat in the wild. No research has been done to determine what the fat or fatty acid requirements for growth are in macaws. Some handfeeders get good growth in macaws using Roudybush formulas and some handfeeders feel that they need to add fat to the formulas. In general, the handfeeders that get good results with Roudybush handfeeding formulas are those that feed a little.. [More] macawbaby3.jpg
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08 AUG 2017
How To Get Birds To Eat Healthy Pellet Diet?
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Birds | Roudybush | Bird Food | Parrots | Budgies | Cockatiels | African Grey | Lovebirds
One of the most common questions we receive is simply: "How do I get my pet bird to switch from it's current food, to a more healthy diet of Roudybush?" There are several answers to this question. Most birds are creatures of habit and will choose foods that look most familiar to them. Converting your bird to Roudybush formulated pellet diets is mainly a matter of convincing your bird that it is food. There are several methods that can be used; choose the one that is most appropriate for your bird. The most important factor in switching your bird to Roudybush is your determination that it will eat a nutritious, balanced diet. Your bird may initially act as if it does not like the Roudybush, but imagine a child that you are trying to convert from a diet of snack foods, candy and ice cream to a lower fat, healthy diet; it is a similar situation. Once your bird makes the transition you will find that it enthusiastically eats Roudybush.   1) Instinctual. The instinc.. [More] budgiesaspets.jpg
Tags : How To Get Pet Birds To Eat Healthy Roudybush Diet , How Do I Get My Bird To Switch To Healthy Roudybush Diet , Bird Food South Africa , Bird Pellet South Africa Comment 0 Comments
10 JUL 2017
Why Seed Diets Are Harmful To Parrots?
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Nutrition | Birds | Roudybush | Bird Food | Parrots | Budgies | Cockatiels | African Grey | Lovebirds
Many pet parrots in South Africa are not fed a nutritionally balanced diet and this is mostly due to a lack of understanding by owners. The biggest problem is providing poor-quality seed-based diets. Yes, seeds do make up a large part of wild parrots' diet. However, not all seeds are the same, and those available in the pet trade are often woefully deficient in nutritional value compared with seeds from plants growing in the wild. Many pet shop bought seeds are often old and contaminated with fungal toxins and moulds.   Parrots tend to select one seed type and, before long, they will eat only that. The classic example is sunflower seeds. Many birds that have eaten a diet of exclusively sunflower seeds for years will suffer from malnutrition internally, but from outside they may appear to be okay. Pet owners should think of parrots like they do children - if you offer a child one plate of sweets and another of broccoli, they most likely would never touch the broccoli. .. [More] macawstwo.jpg
Tags : Why Seeds Are Harmful To Parrots in South Africa , Parrot Diet South Africa Comment 0 Comments
25 MAR 2017
How To Hand Rear A Baby Parrot
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Nutrition | Birds | Roudybush | Bird Food | Parrots
Hand-rearing a baby bird can be quite difficult and requires feeding every few hours by an experienced foster mom. However, many bird owners prefer purchasing just-weaned or about-to-be-weaned birds. Hand-rearing a bird over six weeks of age who has no problems and eats readily can be a very rewarding experience.   How Much to Feed A baby bird should be eating 10 percent of his body weight per feeding. A 500-gram bird would need 50 milliliters of formula per feeding. A baby this age should be fed approximately three times per day. It's important not to feed your bird if he still has food in his crop, which is the enlarged portion of the esophagus at the base of the neck, from the previous meal. Food in the crop for more than three to four hours is a sign of crop stasis, or slowing down, and could be the beginning of a bacterial or fungal overgrowth in the crop that can make your baby bird ill. If you feed your bird too much at each meal, his crop can become overs.. [More] handfeedparrots.jpg
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