17 SEP 2020
What Is The Best Bedding For Guinea Pigs?
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Guinea Pigs | Bedding | Carefresh
What is the best bedding for guinea pigs for ultimate comfort and odour control? Guinea pigs make a great first pet. Not only do they have fun personalities and make the cutest noises – they often purr when they are happy, but they are also very easy to care for.    Make sure you have space in your home and your heart for two guinea pigs, as they are very social creatures; and it is recommended that you adopt a pair of same-gendered Guinea pigs. When setting up their home, make sure you have a lot of space for them, as they spend a lot of time nesting in comfy bedding. Line the bottom of their habit with a good quality, soft and absorbent bedding that keeps them warm and safe but keeps odours under control. It should be easy to clean up and biodegradable for easy disposal. There are several types of bedding available for Guinea Pigs to nest in, including paper-based, fleece, wood, and hay. The best bedding for your Guinea Pig is either a paper or fleece base.. [More] GuineapigConfetti1024x1024.jpg
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