29 MAY 2016
What Is Best Hay In South Africa?
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Rabbits | Guinea Pigs | Chinchillas | Guinea Pig Food | Rabbit Food | Timothy Hay
The latest feeding recommendation for rabbits, guinea pigs and chinchillas is a diet of 80% grass hay and/or fresh grass. But why are there so many pet owners reluctant to do this? Maybe there is a fear that their beloved pet will starve to death. Or how do we know if our hay in South Africa is good enough? It has been proven that only a diet of hay provides them with good digestive health as well as physical and mental stimulation.   Concentrated food such as pellets, nuggets or dry food mixtures (also called muesli) must constitute only 10% of the diet because they don’t contain the right type of fibre. Failing to provide adequate portions of the right kind of fibre can rapidly lead to illness or death. Because grass/hay does not appeal to humans, we have decided to feed more concentrated foods. Many people today are becoming more and more conscious of what they putting into their bodies. This is why we always look at the nutritional information on the back of foo.. [More] whichhayinsa.png
Tags : What Is Best Hay In South Africa? Which Is Best Hay In South Africa? , Review of Different Hay in South Africa Comment 0 Comments
27 MAY 2016
Muesli Can Kill Pet Rabbits, Guinea Pigs & Chinchillas
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Nutrition | Rabbits | Guinea Pigs | Chinchillas | Guinea Pig Food | Rabbit Food | Pet Care | Degus | Bunny Nature | Newhay
There is a major problem in South Africa where so many pet stores, breeders and pet owners don’t realize that feeding muesli foods can kill pet rabbits, guinea pigs and chinchillas, according to latest scientific research.   Their attitude is that they have been feeding these foods for many years and their pets seem to be okay. They seem to turn a blind eye to any new scientific studies or recent changes in feeding guidelines announced by animal welfare organizations or FEDIAF.   The two year scientific study on the 200 rabbits by Professor Anne Meredith from University of Edinburgh made headline news all over the world in June 2013. The results from this study proved to the pet industry that feeding any type of muesli food (dry mixes) including pellets can have fatal consequences. This research is supported by every animal welfare organization thoughout the world including the RSPCA, PDSA, Blue Cross, Wood Green, RWAF and FEDIAF (European Pet Food Industry Fede.. [More] sickrabbit.jpg
Tags : Muesli Can Kill Pet Rabbits & Guinea Pigs , Dangers of Feeding Muesli To Rabbits & Guinea Pigs , Pet Rabbit Food South Africa , Guinea Pig Food South Africa , Chinchilla Food South Africa Comment 0 Comments
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