20 JUN 2020
Why My Cat Has Stopped Eating?
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Nutrition | Cats
Cats and food is always an interesting one. Unlike dogs, to whom food is often the ultimate reward, felines are noted for turning their perfectly formed little noses up at their dinner for no apparent reason. And, while the occasionally outburst of food fussiness is nothing to worry about, if your cat has obviously stopped eating, this can be a real cause for concern.   Not eating can have an impact on your cat’s health even after as little as 24 hours. For a kitten, especially if they’re younger than six weeks old, avoiding food for just 12 hours can be damaging. Burgess in-house vet Dr Suzanne Moyes says: “Not eating is really dangerous for cats. When animals don’t eat enough, they must rely on their fat reserves for energy. Before stored fat can be used for fuel, it must be processed by the liver, which requires adequate supplies of protein. With rapid weight loss, protein supplies are soon exhausted and the liver becomes overwhelmed by fat. Th.. [More] catslovingburgess.png
Tags : Why My Cat Has Stopped Eating South Africa , Cat Food South Africa Comment 0 Comments
13 JUN 2020
How To Identify Diseased Pond Fish
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : NT Labs | Koi Pond
Keeping fish should be an enjoyable and rewarding experience and knowing what signs to look out for is key for healthy and happy pets. Fish are less obvious than other animals when they are unwell and often subtle changes in their behaviour can signal something is wrong. A lot of fish diseases are difficult to see without close inspection but most conditions and diseases bring about a change in behaviour.   What is normal fish behaviour? What to look out for: - A happy, healthy fish is usually one who swims at a normal pace, is alert to its surroundings and reacts quickly when food is introduced. Fish who rest listlessly, perhaps on their sides, fins clamped together and do not respond to food are obvious clues something is not right. Feeding time is therefore a great time to observe any abnormal behaviour. What is not normal fish behaviour? Erratic behaviours, such as sudden bursts of stop/start swimming, jumping and ‘flashing’ - where fish scr.. [More] ntlabs-koi76.jpg
Tags : How To Identify Diseased Pond Fish South Africa , Koi Pond Treatment & Medicine South Africa Comment 0 Comments
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