Fibre facts:
Fibre is the most important ingredient in rabbit food. It is essential for normal wear of teeth. So much so that FEDIAF state “For the health and well-being of a rabbit good quality hay should be fed at all times”.
Daily fibre intake is essential to the rabbit to maintain normal:
gut function
dental wear
fermentation in the caecum.
Fibre comes mainly from plant cell walls.
Plant cell walls containing lignin, cellulose and silicate phytoliths are also important for salivation and dental health.
Plant cell walls consist of polysaccharides associated with;
phenolic compounds
acetic acid
Fibre definitions:
Digestible fibre – a young growing plant cell has primary cell walls, which contains fermentable or digestible fibre. This fibre supports caecal fermentation.
Indigestible fibre – older plants develop secondary cell walls, which cons.. [More]
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Fibre Facts On Pet Food Labels , Fibre Facts & Definitions , Pet Rabbit Food South Africa , Chinchilla food South Africa , Pet Guinea Pig food South Africa , Timothy Hay South Africa , Teff Hay , Rabbit Hay ,
Rabbits eat mainly carrots, right? Wrong! There are lots of misconceptions about what rabbits should eat. Find out what rabbits really should eat to stay healthy!
Myth #1 - Rabbits eat carrots
Carrots shouldn’t be main source of food. Rabbits don't naturally eat root vegetables/fruit. Carrots/fruit are high in sugar and should only be fed in small amounts as occasional treats. Rabbits need mainly hay and/or grass, some leafy greens and a small, measured amount of pellets.
Myth #2 - Hay is just bedding
Hay isn’t just bedding. Fresh, dust–free hay should be their main source of food available at all times. We recommend Timothy hay because it is high in protein and other nutrients and has lots of beneficial fibre.
Myth #3 - Rabbits eat lettuce
Diets shouldn’t be lettuce based. Rabbits shouldn’t eat some lettuces (e.g. iceberg) as they contain laudanum which can be harmful in large quantities. Some lettuce is "worse".. [More]
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Common Rabbit Diet Myths , Pet Rabbits South Africa , Pet Rabbit Care South Africa , Pet Rabbit Food South Africa , Food for bunny , petfood for bunnies , buy Timothy Hay South Africa
Rabbits, guinea pigs and chinchillas must have diets high in fiber to keep their digestive systems healthy and working properly. Hay provides good digestive health as well as physical and mental stimulation. The two main types of hay are grass hay and legume hay. Grass hay is the better of the two because of its high nutrient content.
Grass hays include teff, eragrostis, timothy and meadow hay. Some legume hays are alfalfa, clover, beans and peas. While legume hays are very tasty to your rabbit, they are high in calories and can cause obesity.
The fiber in hay is essential to a rabbit’s digestive system. If bunnies don’t get a regular supply, their system will slow down, which can lead to fatal gastrointestinal stasis. The trouble is, not all hay is attractive enough for rabbits to want to eat.
Teff and eragrostis are perhaps two of the more widely used hay varieties in South Africa. The major disadvantage of these hays is that the nutritional value can r.. [More]
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Timothy Hay Supplier , Rabbits Need High Quality Hay , Timothy Hay is now available in South Africa , Timothy Hay Finally in S.A. , Buy Timothy Hay
Vets report that four out of five guinea pigs that come into their practice have a health problem that is directly related to poor diet. Common ailments are constipation, overgrown teeth, obesity and other problems related to these primary issues.
The good news is that many of these are easily prevented if owners understood a bit more about what their guinea pigs should be eating and why.
A day in the life of a wild guinea pig
Consider a day in the life of a wild guinea pig. He would spend 70% of his time above ground searching out or 'foraging' for food while keeping a beady eye out for predators, to make sure he wasn't going to end up as someone else's dinner! As a ground feeder, his diet would be mainly made up of grasses, hay, herbs and bark - all high fibre foods! He couldn't climb trees to get fruit. His territory would be the equivalent of around 20 tennis courts meaning he'd get a lot of exercise every day searching out food acr.. [More]
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Why Timothy Hay Is Best Food For Guinea Pigs In South Africa
Rabbits, chinchillas, and guinea pigs should be offered free access to large quantities of fresh Timothy Hay daily. As with most foods, different types of hay are not identical in structure and nutrient content. This is especially true for timothy hay, teff/eragrostis hay and alfalfa hay. Although all these types of hay are now available in South Africa, each has its place in your pet's dietary needs and should not be substituted for one or another.
Teff and eragrostis are perhaps two of the more widely used hay varieties in South Africa. They are often very palatable and provide a good amount of fibre without providing too high an energy value. The major disadvantage of these hays is that the nutritional value can range hugely from good to extremely poor quality. These hays are almost brown looking (a little green but not much), and it is soft to the touch. The quality will ultimately depend upon stage of growth when cut, fertilization, and environmental factors. Alwa.. [More]
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Is Timothy Hay Worth Extra Costs in South Africa , Eragrostis Hay , Teff Hay , Lucern , Alfafa Hay
People are naturally drawn to animals, and there are many benefits to keeping pets in your home. Indeed, there are many studies that demonstrate people with animal relationships derive an unusual amount of healthy benefits from them.
Just like humans, domesticated animals require a special diet aimed at providing them with all the proper nutrition they need for a long and healthy life. Unfortunately, some pet owners do not take the time to ensure their small furries are getting the diet they require. Although different animals do have different nutritional requirements, this quick guide will ensure your rabbit, guinea pig or chinchilla is receiving exactly what he needs for optimum health.
It All Starts with Timothy Hay
The foundation of your pet’s diet begins with timothy hay. Rabbits, chinchillas and guinea pigs cannot get enough of it. Small furries need to eat a pile of hay as large as their body every single day. Timothy hay has almost everything yo.. [More]
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Feeding Your Small Pet Furries in South Africa , Feeding Pet Rabbit Food , Feeding Guinea Pig Food , Cavi , Feeding Chinchillas Food , Timothy Hay , Teff Hay , Alfafa Hay , Lucerne , Burgess Excel
This is a question we are often asked… Can I feed my Chinchilla Rabbit Pellets?
The answer we always give is a resounding “no”. Chinchillas have a similar digestive system to rabbits and fibre is a core part of their diet. However, their nutritional needs are quite different which is why Burgess formulated Excel Nuggets specifically for Chinchillas. Consistently feeding rabbit nuggets or rodent pellets to a chinchilla can cause illness, so please opt for a food that has been specifically formulated to meet their needs.
This is also why we would suggest that rabbits and chinchillas are not kept together as pets. As with rabbits, a chinchilla’s teeth will continue to grow throughout his life. They can become overgrown and this can be fatal. A good, coarse fibre filled diet, including Burgess Excel feeding timothy hay, will help to keep teeth in good shape in addition to wooden chew objects for gnawing.
If you spot that your chinchilla i.. [More]
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Feeding Chinchillas The Right Diet in South Africa , Chinchilla food South Africa , Chinchilla pellets , Muesli Chinchilla food , Lucerne pellet , Muesli Chinchilla food , Chinchilla breeder , Timothy Hay
Hay should form the foundation of a rabbit, guinea pig or chinchilla’s diet and you need to make sure you are feeding a plentiful supply each and every day. There are a number of different types of hay available and certain things you should look out for before feeding.
What's the Key to Good Hay?
There are three main factors when it comes to choosing a good quality hay, no matter what variation it may be:
It must be fresh and sweet-smelling with no musty smell.
It must be free from excessive dust.
It must have been stored out of direct sunlight, in a dry location, in a container that is NOT airtight. (Sealing hay in an airtight container encourages the growth of potentially deadly mold toxins).
Know your Hay
In South Africa we have Teff Hay due to our warm climate conditions. It is almost brown looking (a little green but not much), and it is soft to the touch. Teff Hay has a lower protein and nutrient content than Timothy Hay, depending on the growt.. [More]
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Teff or Timothy Hay In South Africa , Timothy Hay South Africa , pet rabbit food , pet guniea pig food , chinchilla food
It’s important to feed your guinea pig the right food. Guinea pigs, like all animals have quite specific dietary requirements and shouldn’t be fed food meant for other animals.
Food that is meant for rabbits, or a generic food designed for all small mammals will not have the right balance of nutrients for your guinea pig. Poor nutrition can lead to various illnesses and ailments and so picking the right food for your pet is very important. Pick a food that is specially formulated for guinea pigs. Make sure it actually states on the pack that it is guinea pig food.
Burgess Nature Guinea Pig Trimellos
Choose a high quality food such as Bunny Nature Guinea Pig Dream and you’ll be sure that it has been developed with your guinea pigs’ needs in mind and will contain all the nutrients, and all the vitamins and minerals that your pet needs to grow up healthy and happy. A top quality food will have more natural ingredients than a cheaper food and it w.. [More]
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Right Food for your Guinea Pigs , Timothy Hay , Excel Pellets , Timothy Hay South Africa
Got a rabbit, chinchilla or guinea pig? Did you know that these small herbivores need timothy hay and LOTS of it! Hay is so beneficial to these herbivores, so it’s very worrying when some rabbit, guinea pig and chinchilla owners don’t realise how much timothy hay they actually need within their diet. Hay is packed full of fibre which is essential for your herbivores digestive system.
All of these animals need a great deal of fibre in their diet. Rabbits, for example, need to eat a pile of Timothy Hay that is roughly equivalent to their size, and they need it every single day. Your herbivore should have access to Timothy hay at all times so they can chew on it as much as they like. It's also wonderful stuff for keeping them entertained, stuffing it into willow balls, tunnels... you can watch them for hours re-arranging their home to be just how they like it... before it all gets eaten of course!
Timothy hay is also a great toothbrush, as guinea pi.. [More]
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Timothy Hay , Burges Excel Feeding Plan , Guinea Pig Food , Rabbit food , Chinchilla food
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