12 Jul 2014
Why Seed Diets Are Bad For Parakeets
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Nutrition | Birds | Bird Food | Parrots | Budgies | Cockatiels | African Grey | Lovebirds
All-seed diets for pet birds, including parakeets, is something that has long been debated and it is a hot topic when it comes to bird care. While many birds are raised on all-seed diets, it should be noted that this is not good for your bird and may lead to many health issues down the line. Not only are seeds very high in fat but they are also not an adequate source of vitamins and minerals for your pet bird.

Parakeets need more balanced nutrition than an all-seed diet can provide. A wide variety of healthy human foods, as well as formulated pellets are recommended for the parakeet diet, as they offer a wide spectrum of nutrients and a balanced alternative to seed diets. If your bird is a “seed junkie,” it’s important to consult your local avian vet for tips and tricks to help you transition your pet to a healthier diet. Proper bird care is crucial and it is of the utmost importance to know that you cannot simply switch your bird from seed to something else and expect that he will eat it right away – diet transition is a process that is achieved with patience, perseverance and help from your vet team!

Why All-Seed Diets for Parakeets Are a Poor Choice

While seed diets do contain some nutrients, the majority of them are deficient in the case of proper bird care. Many seeds are too high in fat and are therefore not the healthiest choice. Furthermore, parakeets can be fussy eaters and may pick the seeds they prefer, causing even more of an unbalanced diet.

When it comes to a parakeet diet, seeds are actually looked at as more of a junk food than something that provides in nutritional value. This isn’t to say that seeds don’t necessarily have to be completely removed from your bird’s diet. A very small, occasional treat should be okay. Seeds can fulfill your bird’s psychological need to “work” for his food, but they should be included sparingly.

Additionally, all-seed diets have been associated with respiratory diseases and reduced immune system function, which may lead to obesity, fatty liver, bone deformities, feather-picking, and a poor overall appearance. All of these diseases and complications linked to an all-seed diet means that your bird’s lifespan could be decreased.

What to Include in a Properly Balanced Diet for Parakeets

A parakeet diet that is well-balanced should include a wide variety of healthy human foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole wheat breads and cereals (no milk!), eggs, lean meats, and specially formulated bird pellets. Roudybush bird pellets are one example of a healthy, balanced pellet that does not contain any food colouring or chemical preservatives.

While it may be somewhat difficult to get your bird to switch over to a pelleted diet from an all-seed diet, the positive effects on her overall health will make it worth your while. As mentioned earlier, diet transition is something that will not happen overnight. Luckily, there are many safe and effective techniques you can use and your local avian vet can help support you throughout the process. A good quality multivitamin supplement added to your bird’s water every day is another thing you should consider, especially during a diet transition.

Proper bird care begins with the diet, and parakeets, along with other species of birds, require a more specified diet than what you may be aware of. For more information on what type of a diet to feed your parakeet, contact your avian vet today.

Tags : Why Bird Seed Diets Are Bad For Parakeets , Bird Food South Africa , Parakeet Diet South Africa , Feeding Pet Birds South Africa , Budgie Food South Africa , Feeding Parakeets in South Africa
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