10 Jul 2015
How To Bond With Your Bunnies
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Rabbits | Pet Care
We always like to talk to you about making sure your rabbits aren’t alone. They are very social animals and should preferably be looked after in pairs or small groups. However, when you first foster rabbits and bring them to their new home, it’s important that you bond with them to have a good owner and pet relationship.

First-time owners may be tempted to cuddle their rabbits to try and bond straight away but this can result in frightening them. Imagine if someone you didn’t know tried to hug you! What you need to do first is build trust. Please do not pick up your rabbits until they are comfortable with it. As they are prey animals the action may seem threatening to them.

Take it slow

When building your rabbits’ trust let them choose the pace. Don’t rush the process and be prepared to take out time every day to repeat this.

They first need time to get used to their living area. Give your buns some space to get used to their new surroundings. During this time you may sit outside of their personal space and talk to them in a soft voice. Rabbits’ have very sensitive hearing so make sure you don’t shout near them. This may help familiarise them with your voice.

Go down to their level

When you start trying to bond with your buns, it’s best to get down to their height. They are unlikely to approach you if you tower above them, so lay down next to their living area and they will naturally come to you – bunnies can’t help but be curious! When in this position stay still and try not to make any sudden movements as this may frighten them.

Once they decide to come and investigate you stay still and continue to ignore them. They need to check you out in their own time and by being quiet you will show you aren’t a threat and appear safe.

You could also try putting a small treat in your hand and let them find it in their investigation of you.

Bond with them through food

Using food to bond with your rabbits can help build trust, as you’re bringing to them what they enjoy the most! Letting your rabbits eat out of your hand can be one technique.

When your rabbits are more comfortable being with you, try putting a piece of hay or food on your shoulder and stay laid down. This way your rabbit has to either sit on your shoulder or use you as support to get food.

Making contact

When your rabbits seem completely comfortable with you around, reach your hand out slowly and make sure that they can see you do this. Don’t put your hand directly in front of their face; as their eyes are on the side of their head, this area is a blind spot for rabbits and not being able to see your moving hand may make them feel uncomfortable.

Start to gently stroke between your rabbits’ ears. If your rabbit seems frightened or starts to shake, slowly pull your arm away from them and give them some time alone. If your rabbit moves away to continue investigating the room, let them go and allow them to come back to you when they are ready.

Try and repeat this process every day until your rabbit is completely comfortable with you. As they become more familiar with you, you can start to sit up and see how they react. Eventually your rabbit will truly love your company and can show you their affectionate side!

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