10 Mar 2018
Anxiety Issues In Today’s Pets
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Pet Care | Dogs | Cats | Pet Remedy

With anxiety in humans on the rise, it is hardly surprising that anxiety is now a huge issue for many pets.  Dogs, in particular, are often afflicted.  This can be triggered by loud noises e.g. fireworks or thunderstorms, being alone and also by social interactions with other dogs.  Depending on each individual dog, they may be affected by one or more triggers.  


When feeling anxious dogs often bark, pace, pant, and lick excessively.  In addition, they can exhibit destructive or aggressive behaviour.  One treatment that often helps break the trigger/reaction cycle is the use of calming sprays and wipes or plug-in diffusers which can alter the brain’s neuro-transmitters thereby deflecting the anxiety state.  

Super hearing, super pets

The amazing hearing capabilities of dogs and cats, where sound is perceived as 5 times louder than for humans, may well account for the fact that loud noises are one of the main causes of anxiety in our pets.  In addition to the calming sprays, some owners have reported success dressing the animal in a  ‘thunder jacket’ at times of anxiety or finding a safe corner of the home where the animal feels protected and safe, perhaps with the use of a crate.  Bearing in mind the many health benefits a pet, especially dogs, provides for its human owners it is not surprising that most owners will go that extra mile to sort out and correct anxiety issues in their pet, restoring tranquility!  Nothing can be more distressing than witnessing your beloved pet’s anxiety state.

Anxiety can be avoided if puppies are correctly socialised in their youth.  They need to experience a wide range of different situations as early as possible and learn to mix with others, pets, and people.  The age of 8 weeks through to 12 weeks is thought to be a key time for puppies when fear in later life can be avoided by receiving positive stimuli each day during these important few weeks.  There are many puppy socialisation classes available which can help your pup achieve this.

Anxiety free future for pets

As well as diminishing the anxiety at source by use of calming sprays, thunder jackets etc there are also ways to alleviate resultant negative behaviour or symptoms, such as chewing which can be managed by providing good quality chew toys and this certainly helps reduce the risk of expensive damage to the home.  Some owners have also reported success leaving background music on, this familiar and reassuring sound can help dull the anxiety state whether it be sound related, e.g. thunderstorm, or other e.g. separation anxiety

Many owners report a combination of methods works best, perhaps a calming spray and familiar music playing, which may mask the stimulus and break down the phobia response and, in time, can break this habit permanently.  By taking these positive steps you and your pet can look forward to an anxiety-free future together!


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