22 Dec 2018
Choosing Cat Litter In South Africa
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Pet Inn | Comfy | Cats | Cat Litter | Litter Boxes | Cateco
Choosing the best cat litter for your cat in South Africa can be a difficult choice simply because there are so many options available. The most common types include clay (clumping and non-clumping), crystals, paper, wood, corn, wheat and soy. 

The best way to avoid litter box issues is to find the right cat litter box and cat litter that will keep your cat happy and comfortable. Each variety has its own benefits, so you can choose one based on your preference and your cat’s preference.

Non-Clumping Cat Litter

Some of the first commercially available cat litters were of the non-clumping type. Why? Non-clumping cat litter is good at removing odors associated with cat urine because it has the ability to absorb relatively large volumes of urine. While there are non-scented litters available, some non-clumping litters also have additional additives, such as baking soda or charcoal, which are designed to help control unpleasant odours.

As the litter becomes saturated, however, urine may begin to pool in the bottom of the litter box. Therefore, removing soiled, non-clumping litter is often difficult without changing the entire box. Many who use non-clumping cat litter find that they need to be replaced the litter and clean the litter box at least once a week.

Non-clumping litter is typically made of clay, though there are other types available such as plant-based alternatives (e.g., pine, corn, wheat, beet pulp, and wood). Some people prefer non-clumping litter because it is often less expensive than clumping litter, and others choose it because their cats prefer it.


Clumping Cat Litter

Clumping cat litters are those that are designed so that urine and feces can be removed easily from the box without having to empty the entire box. Most contain a material known as bentonite that allows the litter to form a nice solid clump as the litter absorbs liquid. There also alternative all-natural fibers that can help clump the cat litter tightly.

Once the litter is clumped together, it can be removed from the litter box — along with any feces in the box — relatively easily. Just scoop out the soiled litter out of the box and leave the clean litter in its place. The ability to scoop and remove soiled litter from the box means that the box stays cleaner longer. As soiled litter is removed from the box, it can simply be replenished by adding an equal amount of fresh litter.

However, that does not mean that cat litter boxes filled with clumping cat litter never need to be emptied and cleaned. It only means that the task can be performed less frequently than with the non-clumping litters. Boxes containing clumping litter still need to be emptied, cleaned, and refilled with fresh litter at least once a month (based on a one cat home, or one cat litter box). If your cat produces an especially high volume of urine or if you have multiple cats, this will need to be done more frequently.


Silica Gel Crystals

The crystals are made of tiny silica gel beads similar to the desiccant found in the tiny pouches packaged as a preservative with foods, medications, and other products that can be damaged by excess moisture. Crystal litter is highly absorbent, controls odor well, and is almost dust-free. Some people even say it tracks less than other types of litter. Crystal litters are usually more expensive, but they tend to last longer. Downsides are that some cats don't like getting the crystals on their paws, and they can be dangerous if ingested in large amounts or over a long period of time, which happens when cats clean their feet.

The texture you select matters to your cat, as she will be stepping on it. Litter also comes in scented and unscented formulas, as well as varied degrees of absorbency and odor control. Litter products also offer different degrees of clumping, resulting in how scoop-friendly the product is to use. Odour elimination is extremely important to pet parents, and litter products vary in their ability to eliminate odours.

Scented litters are designed to mask odours from the litter box. Some cats can be deterred by strong scents and may prefer unscented litters. There are many scent-free brands that rely on ingredients such as carbon and natural plant extracts that work to absorb odours from urine and faeces to reduce litter box smells, keeping both you and your kitty happy. Some litters are also more earth-conscious, made from recycled or sustainable products and can be repurposed as mulch. Some are flushable.

Ultimately, the right litter for your cat is not only one that she is happy to use but also one that will effectively deal with odour issues. Should you decide to switch to a new litter, the best way to transition is to do it slowly over a period of seven to ten days by adding small amounts of the new litter to the old until you have transitioned over completely. This way, most cats will adapt to the new brand without incident.

If your kitty is avoiding her litter box, try giving her a simultaneous selection of different litter types to choose from by putting down three or four boxes with different litters in each one and see if she prefers one over another. This could be a quick fix for a litter box problem. Because felines are finicky and possessive when it comes to litter boxes, a good rule of thumb is to provide one box per cat in the household, plus one extra, if possible.


Which Is The Best Cat Litter Box in South Africa?

There is also a huge selection of litter boxes to choose from and it’s important to choose one that your cat is comfortable using. Whether you have a large adult cat or a tiny kitten, your litter box can never be too big. If you scoop your cat’s litter regularly and clean the box often, but still encounter foul smelling odours, try the new Cateco® Odour-Proof Litter Box which will be available in South Africa February 2019.

Standard cat litter boxes do not allow litter to dry properly allowing humidity to accumulate in the box which is intensified by urine and faeces, leading to the growth of bacteria responsible for strong, foul odours and thus requires frequent maintenance. The Cateco Litter Box, with its "Convactive" Technology, naturally eliminates humidity by allowing air to circulate through the litter area and prevents bacteria and fungus from proliferating and creating malodorous gases by halting the biochemical process that creates ammonia before it even begins. A dryer environment promotes clumps that are dryer, more compact and uses less litter. It also greatly reduces the need for complete cleanings (and considerable wastes of litter) of the litter box.

Avoid placing litter boxes near noisy appliances such as a washing machine or dryer, which could spook your cat and cause her to avoid her litter box. Taking the time to select and maintain a litter box based on your needs and your cat’s preferences will go a long way toward avoiding negative litter box behaviors in the future and result in a happier, healthier life together.

Tags : Choosing Cat Litter In South Africa , Buying Cat Litter South Africa , Buy Cat Litter Box Tray South Africa
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