24 Jun 2014
Why You Should Neuter Rabbits
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Rabbits | Pet Care
Rabbits are great pets when cared for correctly. It is, however, almost impossible to care for all the litters that your rabbits and their rabbits could have in just a few short years. But, that’s not the only reason to have your rabbits neutered; there are plenty of additional health benefits for your rabbit.

What Is Neutering and How Does It Help?

In male rabbits, neutering is the removal of the testes, which obviously prevents pregnancy. The process is slightly more advanced for female rabbits as it involves the removal of the uterus and ovaries during surgery. This procedure is often called spaying.

Rabbit medicine and surgery has advanced in recent years, and these procedures are now performed much more commonly. General anaesthetics have also advanced and have become safer for rabbits. Modern medicines also mean any post operation pain can be controlled.

Surgeries are now recommended for health reasons.

Neutering helps with:
  • Preventing pregnancies,
  • Reduced aggression between rabbits,
  • Reduced spraying and other territorial behaviours, and
  • Reduced risk of common cancers.
What can you do to help?

Veterinarians recommend that all rabbits are neutered, regardless of their gender – or the gender of the other rabbits in their warren.

Rabbits can – and should – be neutered before they reach 6 months of age. Typically, females can be spayed from about 14 weeks of age. Males will need to wait until their testes have dropped, which is usually around 3-4 months. Speak to your vet about more specific timing questions you may have for your rabbit.

Remember that a male can remain fertile for up to 6 weeks after a neutering procedure, so be sure to keep yours separated from any un-spayed females during this time.

Top tips to take away:
  • Rabbits can and should, be neutered for health reasons as well as for the prevention of unwanted pregnancies.
  • Most rabbits can be neutered around 3-4 months of age, though it does vary slightly based on the maturity of your pet.
  • All rabbits in your warren, regardless of gender, should be neutered as soon as the procedure can be done safely.
  • If you do have any concerns, speak to your vet who will be able to explain specific procedures and medications to you.
Tags : Why You Should Spay Or Neuter Rabbits South Africa , Caring for Your Rabbit What Is Neutering
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